Dashboard and Analytics
Can I have the Widget Directory in multiple languages?
Yes, you can display the CINNOX Widget in multiple languages, depending on the visitor's site language. You can manage the Widget language settings in Administration > Widget > Customisation.
Can I change the appearance of the Widget to match our site better?
Yes, you can change your Widget's colour to match your company's corporate image. Omnichannel Contact Centre and The Ultimate CX Hub Plans allow even more customisation for the Widget, such as uploading your own icon and in-call video and image. Go to Administration > Widget > Customisation to customise your Widget's appearance.
How can I change the widget icon on my website?
Accounts using the Omnichannel Contact Centre and The Ultimate CX Hub Plans can upload an image to customise their Widget icon. Go to Administration > Widget > Customisation to customise your Widget's appearance.
Can I turn off the Widget when not in use?
Yes, you can hide the Widget if you don't need it for now. Go to Administration > Widget > Customisation and toggle the Widget Display button OFF.
Can I have my customers provide their first name, last name, phone number, etc., when they send an enquiry?
Yes, you can. CINNOX has a Pre-Chat Survey form to let customers fill out personal information before starting an enquiry session. For more information, please refer to our User Guide.
Can I ask my customers to leave a message when no one answers their enquiry?
Yes, you can. CINNOX has an Offline Support form to let customers leave you a message if no agent can pick up their enquiry. For more information, please refer to our User Guide.
What happens if my account storage is full?
Suppose you have reached your service maximum storage limit. In that case, you can no longer save files such as call recordings and media files unless you delete some old files to free up storage space or upgrade your plan.
Can I delete shared files to free up my storage?
Yes, you can.
Can I buy more storage without upgrading my plan?
CINNOX does not support separate storage upgrades. You need to buy additional licences to get more storage space. The amount of storage space per licence depends on your subscription plan. To view the plans comparison, please go to the following link www.cinnox.com/pricing.
How do I monitor the usage of my account?
Staff with an Admin Role can go to My Plan on the navigation menu to monitor whether they have consumed all usage entitlements in their current plan.
What types of reports and analytics do you offer?
All CINNOX service plans have the following reports:
- Enquiry Overview for monitoring
- Enquiry Report
- Call Report
- Chat Report
- Visitor Report
- Staff Activity Report
- However, the length of the reporting period varies per subscription plan.
- The SMS and Conference reports are available for the Omnichannel Contact Centre and The Ultimate CX Hub Plans.
To view the plans comparison, please click on the following link www.cinnox.com/pricing.
Where can I check the usage history or Call Detail Record (CDR) of all calls in my CINNOX account?
You can find the details of all inbound and outbound calls on the Report > Call Report > Detail Report page.
As a host, can I view the participant list who joined my conference call?
Yes, you can. The Conference Report provides details such as participant name, date and time, call duration, source and chat history. To view the Conference Report, click Report > Conference Report from the navigation pane.
Does CINNOX provide an SMS delivery report?
Yes, we do. The SMS Report provides the total SMS sent statistics, including its delivery status and location distribution.
Can I monitor visitor traffic on my website pages?
Yes, you can. The Visitor Report provides statistics on new and active visitors.
How will I know the SMS I sent to my customer has been delivered?
You can use the delivery status in the SMS Report to know whether the SMS you sent to your customer has been delivered. This feature will provide you with information on the status of the SMS, such as whether it has been submitted to the Carrier, Queued, Delivered or not and rejected.
For more information, please refer to our SMS Reports page in our User Guide.
Can I monitor visitor traffic on my website pages?
Yes, you can. The Visitor Report provides statistics on new and active visitors.
Can I monitor visitors' and customers' enquiries from different channels?
Yes, you can. You may view the enquiry Overview for the open, active, missed and closed enquiry lists. You may also view the enquiry report to see more details and filter the records for relevant insights.
Can I download the call reports?
Yes, you can download all the call reports in an Excel file.
To know the detailed steps, refer to our Download Call Details section in our User guide.
How Can I View the Actual Call Duration in the CINNOX Dashboard?
To view the actual call duration, simply access the "Call Report" section of the CINNOX Dashboard. Once there, download the report details and refer to the "Call Duration (Sec)" field. This field provides accurate information on the duration of calls in seconds.
For more information, please refer to our User Guide.
Is there any data on the abandonment rate and the response time?
The average first response time (FRT) is available in our Staff Report. It is the average time between creating a visitor's enquiry and the staff's initial response. For more information, please refer to the Viewing the Staff Report section. The abandonment rate has yet to be available in the Staff Report. Please stay tuned for further updates on this feature.
Can I create a custom view to filter the reports based on specific criteria?
Yes, you can. Creating custom views in the Enquiry Report allows you to view the enquiry details based on specific criteria and cases you desire to have. For more information, please refer to our User Guide.
Updated 10 months ago