Sharing Files

In the CINNOX chat room, staff members and visitors may share the following files:

  • Images
  • Videos
  • Documents
  • Voice Messages

Sharing Images, Videos, and Documents

There are two ways to share images, videos, and documents:

  • By browsing and selecting files from folders
  • By dragging and dropping files on the chat room window

To browse and select a file:

  • On the chat room panel of your Workspace, click on the File icon located on the left side of the input text bar.

Sharing a file

  • On the open file dialogue that will appear, browse for and click to highlight the file you wish to share, then click on Open.

Browsing and selecting a file

  • Once the file is in the upload tray, click the Send icon on the right side of your input text bar.

Share images, videos, or files


To drag and drop a file:

  • Drag the file you wish to share from another window, then drop it into your Workspace chat room panel.
  • Once the file is in the upload tray, click the Send icon on the right side of your input text bar.

Drag-and-drop a file


Sending Voice Messages

To record and send voice messages:

  • On the chat room panel of your Workspace, click on the Microphone icon located on the right side of the text input bar.

Sending a voice message

  • Record your voice message, then click the Checkmark icon to send it.

Recording a voice message


Share files max of 10 at a time.
Visitors can share files up to 20 MB in size, while staff members can share 200 MB.

A voice message cannot be longer than 3 minutes.