Identity and Enquiry
What are the routing rules for customer service in CINNOX?
Routing rules are guidelines or instructions that dictate how incoming customer chat or call enquiries should be distributed and directed within a business or organisation. These rules can ensure that each enquiry is directed to the appropriate team or individual based on factors such as the type of enquiry, the time of day, or the volume of enquiries.
What are the benefits of using routing rules in customer service?
Routing rules can benefit businesses with multiple teams or departments handling different enquiries by ensuring that each enquiry is directed to the most appropriate team or individual. This can help to reduce response times, improve customer satisfaction, and increase agent productivity.
How does the CINNOX enquiry workflow work?
In CINNOX, an enquiry workflow begins when a customer or visitor Opens an enquiry through channels, such as the web widget, weblink or QR code, virtual number, or Social page. Suppose an agent or Staff member picks up their enquiry, and its status changes to Ongoing until resolved and Closed by the agent or the visitor.
Otherwise, the enquiry is classified as Missed; The agent can Follow-Up missed enquiries until resolved.
For more information, refer to our User Guide.
Where can I view a visitor's information and their enquiry details?
You can view visitor's information and enquiry details such as visitor's first and last name, enquiry ID, type, channel details, platform, location, language and other details on the Enquiry Overview and Room Details Panel. Please refer to our User Guide.
Can I still view the details of a closed enquiry?
Yes, you can. Closed enquiries are archived in the Enquiry Overview. You may click on a closed enquiry to view the visitor's details, chat conversations, and other information.
Where can I see the missed enquiries?
You can find the missed enquiries on the Enquiry Panel and Enquiry Overview.
What channels can a visitor use to send an enquiry to CINNOX?
Visitors and customers can send their enquiries to CINNOX through any of the following channels:
- Directory (through the Tag and Staff list on the website)
- Virtual number (comes with toll-free and local numbers)
- Social Messaging (Facebook Page, LINE, WhatsApp Business API, WeChat Official Account integrations)
- Campaign (with the Tag, Staff and Social Page Weblinks)
- Weblink (with the Tag and Staff web links)
- QR Code (with the Channel and Staff QR Code)
What is a Directory on CINNOX?
A Directory is a list of available contact points that a visitor can explore using the CINNOX Widget. It may refer to the Tag Directory (which shows a list of different Tags) or the Staff Directory (which lists your staff contacts).
Can I transfer an enquiry to another agent?
Yes, you can. CINNOX lets you transfer chat enquiries to another staff member.
What is a Destination on CINNOX?
A Destination is an individual or group that can answer enquiries from the CINNOX Widget, direct calls, or chat via Weblink, QR code, Virtual Numbers, or Social Page. You can route enquiries according to the Destination rules, type, and endpoint.
Is it possible to route chat or call enquiry to a specific support team or group?
Yes, it is. You can create a Destination with a specific staff list to direct call or chat enquiries to them.
What is Enquiry Chat Transfer, and why would I need it?
Enquiry Chat Transfer allows you to seamlessly transfer an ongoing chat enquiry to another staff agent who may be better equipped to address the customer's concerns. This can be useful when the customer's needs require the expertise of a specific agent or when you need to manage the conversation more efficiently.
What should I do if a customer's needs require the expertise of another staff agent?
In such cases, you can transfer the ongoing chat enquiry seamlessly to a colleague who can better address the customer's concerns through loopback or blind transfer. To perform an enquiry transfer, please refer to our User Guide.
Are there different types of Enquiry Chat Transfer available?
Yes, there are two main types of Chat Transfer:
- Loopback Transfer: This type of transfer enables you to quickly transfer an enquiry to another tag or staff agent. If the assigned party does not respond, the enquiry will return to you for further handling.
- Blind Transfer: Blind Transfer allows you to promptly transfer an enquiry directly to another tag or selected staff agent. If the assigned party does not pick it up, the enquiry becomes a "missed enquiry."
For more information, please refer to our User Guide.
What happens when an enquiry is successfully transferred?
If the enquiry transfer is successful, the visitor enquiry room will disappear from your Recent Connection list in your Workspace.
How do I accept an enquiry transfer?
To accept an enquiry transfer, click on the enquiry icon that appears in your Enquiry Panel. You will then be able to see the name of the previous staff member who handled the enquiry and their last conversations with the visitor. You can continue the conversation with the visitor or customer from there.
How many staff agents can I add in the Destination to handle customers' enquiries?
You can add up to 30 staff agents to a destination from the Staff List. All agents assigned under this Destination will simultaneously receive an incoming enquiry notification whenever there is an open enquiry.
Can I use my existing phone numbers to answer call enquiries from CINNOX?
Yes, you can create a Destination for a PSTN Number and then add your phone numbers as its endpoints.
Can I answer call enquiries through a SIP Trunk?
Yes. You can create a Destination and set the SIP trunk as its type. However, you will need assistance from the CINNOX Support Team to complete this setup.
Is it possible to limit access to live support by language?
Yes, it is. You can configure CINNOX to route incoming enquiries depending on the visitor's preferred language, as determined by their browser language settings.
Is it possible to limit access to live support by location?
Yes, it is. You can configure CINNOX to route incoming enquiries depending on the visitor's location, as determined by their IP address.
Can I distribute customer enquiries to different support teams by volume?
Yes, you can configure CINNOX to route incoming enquiries based on volume percentage.
Can I route customer enquiries to different support teams based on the time?
Yes, you can configure CINNOX to route incoming enquiries depending on the day.
What is Alternative Routing?
The Alternative (Linear) Routing rule distributes incoming enquiries in a linear pattern to your set destination. It can be useful when you have a set order in which you want enquiries or calls to be routed, such as when you have teams handling different types of enquiries or want to distribute calls evenly among your agents.
What is percentage routing?
The Percentage Routing rule distributes incoming enquiries at a percentage value, meaning that you can allocate different percentages of calls to different teams or agents depending on their availability or skill set.
What is time-based routing?
Time-based routing distributes incoming enquiries using time allocation, such as routing calls to specific teams or agents during certain hours of the day or week. Time-based routing can be especially useful for businesses with staffing limitations or fluctuations in demand, as it allows you to allocate your resources to maximise productivity and efficiency.
Can I route returning customers to the same agent?
Yes, CINNOX has a Sticky Routing feature which routes a returning customer back to the same agent whenever they send an enquiry again. Sticky routing establishes a relationship between visitors and staff members. New enquiries from the same visitor will route directly to someone who helped them in the past.
Does Sticky Routing stop working or expire at some point?
Depending on a Virtual Number's settings, a sticky relation may expire if there are no further interactions between the bound visitors and Staff members beyond a set time.
What is engagement routing?
Engagement routing establishes a relationship between visitors and staff members. Staff will initiate the conversation with a visitor, and when the visitor responds, it will route to the staff who engaged.
How is Engagement different from Sticky Routing?
Both Sticky Routing and Engagement create a binding relationship between visitors and staff members. In Sticky Routing, the binding starts from the visitor (via enquiries). In Engagement, the binding starts from the Staff member (via outbound calls).
How can I keep the binding last in the Virtual Number and Email channels so that I need not frequently update the engagement period?
Yes, you can select "Never Expired" as an option for your Engagement Period of the Sticky Routing in your Virtual Number and Email channels. This way, it keeps the binding last between a customer and staff. For more information, please refer to our User Guide.
Can I show a greeting message proactively with the Widget on my website?
Yes, you can. The CINNOX Widget has a Smart Greeting feature that lets you display a custom message on top of the Widget icon.
What is Social in CINNOX?
Social is a cross-channel CINNOX feature providing a seamless customer experience. Whether your visitors and customers use social media and messaging apps, you can reply to their messages in one place.
Can I link my Facebook Fan Page, WhatsApp Business API, WeChat Official Account and LINE Offical Account on CINNOX?
Yes, you can. CINNOX has a Social feature that links Facebook Pages, WhatsApp Business API, WeChat Official Account and LINE Offical Account. Any messages from these platforms are categorised as enquiries in your CINNOX account that you can reply to and manage in one place.
Can I have more than one Facebook Page in one CINNOX service account?
Yes, there is no limit for the Facebook Page to link to your CINNOX service account.
Note that one Facebook Page account can only link to one channel.
Can I have more than one WhatsApp Business API in one CINNOX service account?
Yes, there is no limit for the WhatsApp Business API to link to your CINNOX service account.
Note that one WhatsApp Business API account can only link to one channel.
Can I have more than one WeChat Official Account in one CINNOX service account?
Yes, there is no limit for the WeChat Official Accounts to link to your CINNOX service account.
Note that one WeChat Official Account can only link to one channel.
Can I have more than one LINE Official Account in one CINNOX service account?
Yes, there is no limit for the LINE Official Account to link to your CINNOX service account.
Note that one LINE Official Account can only link to one channel.
Can I share my Social Channel via Weblink or QR Code so visitors can easily reach me?
Yes, you can. Facebook Page, WeChat, WhatsApp and LINE channels have Weblinks and QR codes that you can insert in your SMS campaign and share on your posts for the visitors to message you quickly.
How many contacts can I add to my CINNOX account?
You can add up to 10,000 contacts to your CINNOX account.
Can I import contacts to CINNOX in bulk?
Yes, you can directly import all your existing contacts by uploading them in a CSV file.
Can I share my contacts with the other agents?
Yes, you can share External Contacts with your fellow staff members.
What happens when I delete a contact?
If you are the External Contact owner and share their details with fellow staff members, deleting the External Contact will also remove them from other staff members' Contact lists. Otherwise, the External Contact will only be removed from your Contact List.
What can I do if two contacts represent the same person/business?
You can merge two contacts, make them one, and select the records you want to keep and replace.
To merge two contacts:
For more information, refer to our User Guide.
How do I merge two existing contacts?
To merge two contacts:
For more information, refer to our User Guide.
Does CINNOX detect duplicate external contacts?
Yes, CINNOX has verified phone number duplicate detection and suggests merging the profile to an existing contact with the same verified phone number.
Can I merge a new visitor profile with an existing contact?
Yes, you can. Visitor profiles from an enquiry can be merged with an existing contact in the chatroom during the enquiry handling.
What will happen to the enquiries of the contacts after merging?
Ongoing, Followed-up, and Closed enquiries of each contact will be combined into the chatroom and can be viewed all together.
What shall I do if I mistakenly merge two different contacts unintentionally?
The best approach would be to create a new contact for another customer profile. Then open the merged contact and change the information within.
Can I sync my mobile device contacts, make a call and send an SMS to them with my CINNOX account?
Yes! You can. To sync your device contacts, head to Contacts of your CINNOX mobile app, tap Contacts, select Device Contacts, and then tap Sync Device Contacts to sync your device contacts list into your CINNOX account. Lastly, please select a contact from your Device Contact list and tap the call or SMS icon to connect with them.
What are the requirements to integrate my CINNOX service and Salesforce account?
- Your CINNOX plan must be Business or above.
- Your Salesforce organisation must be an Enterprise, Unlimited, Developer, or an edition with API access.
Refer to our User Guide for more information.
How to integrate CINNOX and Salesforce?
CINNOX integration to Salesforce comes with Sandbox and Production environments. You must first connect your Salesforce Sandbox org to CINNOX to test the integration before production.
Refer to our User Guide for more information.
Can I sync my Salesforce contacts in CINNOX and vice versa?
Yes, you can. Connect your Salesforce org to CINNOX and sync your contacts. You can view the profile of your Salesforce contact when they send you an enquiry in CINNOX. You can search, view and update Salesforce contacts in CINNOX and more.
Can I add a second layer in the Routing Settings?
Yes, you can. For Time Routing, you can add Percentage Routing as the second layer. For Percentage Routing, you can add Time Routing as the second layer.
What does a custom field mean in CINNOX?
A custom field is defined by the staff in their CINNOX service. The created custom field will be shown in external contact and can be used in the visitor forms (Pre-chat & Offline forms).
How do I create a contact custom field?
Log in to your CINNOX Dashboard, then navigate to Contact Management > External Contacts to create custom fields.
Please see the steps in our detailed Guide.
Is It Possible for Agents to Edit Visitor Contacts During Ongoing Handled Enquiries?
Yes, during ongoing handled enquiries, agents in the enquiry rooms have the capability to view and edit visitor contacts. This feature allows for real-time updates and modifications, ensuring that contact information remains accurate and current throughout the course of the enquiry.Updated over 1 year ago