Viewing the WhatsApp Report

The WhatsApp Report on CINNOX provides a comprehensive view of your WhatsApp outbound messages sent through the Open API. It enables you to access and view all of your sent WhatsApp messages and the associated delivery statuses.


To access the WhatsApp page, navigate to your CINNOX Dashboard, then click Reports > Message Report > WhatsApp Report

WhatsApp Report Details

The screenshot below displays the WhatsApp Report Details and the different information about the WhatsApp message:

WhatsApp Report

WhatsApp Report

Click Details to view the WhatsApp content that was set.


WhatsApp content

WhatsApp Overview

Overview Filter:

  • Send Date & Time (default to Last 7 Days)
  • WhatsApp Sources
    • Open API - Direct = The WhatsApp sent using the CINNOX Open API.
  • WhatsApp Status
DeliveredThe WhatsApp message has been submitted to the recipient
ReadThe recipient successfully read the WhatsApp message.
PendingThe WhatsApp message is in the process of being delivered
FailedThe WhatsApp message failed to send.


The WhatsApp Detail Report interface displays consolidated WhatsApp details that include:

Header NameDescription
Sender IDThe phone number used as the sender ID.
SourceOpen API -> Direct
Sent ByThe sender of the WhatsApp.
Recipient Country & Number- The phone number and country name where the WhatsApp was sent (Outbound WhatsApp). - The phone number and country name where the WhatsApp was received (Inbound WhatsApp).
StatusWhether the WhatsApp message has been Submitted or Rejected.
Date & TimeThe date and time the WhatsApp message was sent or received.
DetailsThe content of the WhatsApp was sent and received.


Search and Filters

Filter the WhatsApp Detail Report by selecting any of the following:
Sender Number - enter the sender name to search
Recipient Number - enter the recipient number to search
Date & Time - default to last 7 days
Source - default to Open API - Direct
Status - default to All WhatsApp Statuses


Export WhatsApp

  • Export the WhatsApp Detail Report by clicking the export icon ⬇️ and downloading the data in the .csv file to your local machine.


To send WhatsApp OTP via API, please refer to our API Reference