Customer Services
Do you have any customer service centre for customer enquiries or technical assistance?
We have a dedicated support centre with a support hotline for providing customer service, technical information, and answering any product questions you may have.
What time does your support hotline operate?
Our support hotline is running on 24 hours a day and 365 days a year.
Where is the support centre? Which support centre will be appointed to support us in our time zone?
Our support centre is located in Hong Kong and provides 24 hours a day and 365 days a year service to our global customers.
How do I send feedback about CINNOX?
You can send feedback from your CINNOX Dashboard. Start by clicking on your staff account name at the top-right corner, and then clicking on Feedback Form. From your CINNOX App, go to My Account > Help & Support > Send Feedback.
How do I report a problem with the CINNOX Dashboard or App?
You can report a problem or issue that you have encountered with the CINNOX Dashboard or App the same way you send other feedback. From your CINNOX Dashboard, click on your Staff account name at the top-right corner, and then click on Feedback Form. From your CINNOX App, go to My Account > Help & Support > Send Feedback.
Updated over 1 year ago