Email Enquiry Handling
Standard Email Enquiry Handling
Every email is uniquely identified by a code called Message-ID, assigned by the email provider. When you reply to an email, the original email's Message-ID is accessible in the 'In-Reply-To' or 'References' section of the email. This code can thread a reply or forward it to the original email. CINNOX employs the same method to thread replies to the corresponding email enquiry.
How Email Enquiry Works in CINNOX
- When a customer sends an email to your support email address, CINNOX creates an enquiry.
- Depending on your Email Channel Settings for automatic replies, customers receive an automated email confirming the receipt of their support request.
- The newly created email enquiry is added to the Enquiry list and, based on your enquiry routing rules, is assigned to a specific service group along with your agents.
- During the handling of an enquiry, various events occur as agents interact with customers and resolve their enquiries, including customer replies.
- For customers, the interaction with agents unfolds through threaded email conversations.
- When emails are forwarded (FW) or replied (RE) to the same email, CINNOX treats them as email threads, similar to typical chat conversations. The system verifies emails using the Message-ID. If the same email has been forwarded or replied to, it threads them to the same enquiry room. However, another enquiry ID is generated when a missed email occurs, and the agent can only respond to the latest email.
Updated over 1 year ago