Chat Room

Looking for a Unified Chat Room Solution?

The CINNOX platform provides a seamless and centralised chat room experience, allowing you to connect effortlessly with your visitors, customers, and team. You can handle customer enquiries, engage, collaborate, share files, chat, and call and effectively keep everyone on the same page. Simplify your communication and boost productivity with CINNOX's unified chat room solution.

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The panel in the CINNOX Workspace where staff members can send/receive instant messages and share files such as images, videos, documents, voice messages, or SMS texts to their customers or colleagues.

When you open your CINNOX Workspace for the first time, the chat room panel is not yet visible.
As soon as you handle a call or chat enquiry or start chatting with your fellow staff members, the Utility Panel will create rooms as your Recent Connections, and the chat room panels for each conversation will appear.

Workspace with Recent Connections

Workspace with Recent Connections


Chat Functions

Below is a summary of the available chat functions you can use inside a CINNOX Space:

  • Text Input can be expanded and collapsed to send long texts flexibly.
  • Copy a posted message and paste it to another chat room
  • Recall (delete) a message or a file you posted within five minutes
  • Edit a message you posted within five minutes
  • Reply to a specific message within the room
  • Send quick links or text shortcuts to personal and channel web links and phone numbers
  • Forward a message to any room
  • Image Preview - to any rooms, staff, enquiry, space group chat and conference room
  • Link Preview - to any room
  • Share images, videos, documents, and voice messages - refer to this Guide's Sharing Files
  • Use @mention, e.g., @all or @StaffName, to notify all Space members or individuals about a specific message in Space.
  • Sending SMS - refer to this Guide's Sending SMS
  • AI Suggested Label and Topic - When you enable and connect an Azure OpenAI account to your service, you can utilise the AI to suggest labels and topics for the ongoing enquiry chat and add them to the contact or the enquiry.
  • Smart Reply - When you enable and connect an Azure OpenAI account to your service, you can utilise the AI to generate a smart reply to the ongoing enquiry conversation.
  • AI Summary - When you enable and connect an Azure OpenAI account to your service, you can utilise AI to generate a summary of the enquiry conversation.

Refer to this Guide's Sending and Receiving Chats section for more details.


Room Information Panel

The Room Information panel displays different details, depending on the type of room you have in your Recent Connections:

Types of Room

  • Enquiry room - for visitor and customer enquiries
  • Direct Room - for staff-to-staff (chat and call) and external contacts engagements (call)
  • Space room - for internal (private and public) group chat
  • Conference room - for conference calls
Room Information

Room Information


Enquiry Room

The enquiry room provides details to help you know more about the visitor or customer you are engaging with.

  • Enquiry Information: Enquiry ID, Channel, Channel Detail, Language, Location and Time
  • Visitor Information: information gathered from the Visitor Forms such as First name, Last name, Phone number and others. The staff agent can add more information about the visitor
  • Device Information: Platform and its User Agent, Screen size, Local time, Geo Location
  • UTM Information: Refer to the UTM Information section (when available)
  • Destination Information: Destination name, Destination type, Destination endpoint


UTM Information

  • The Urchin Tracking Module (UTM) Information in theroom refers to the customisable parameters you can add to a web link. The values of these parameters help you track the source and provide extra information from the enquiries initiated by visitors or customers.
UTM InformationUTM ParameterDescription
UTM Campaignutm_campaignRecognise the associated campaign.
UTM Contentutm_contentIndicate the exact element the visitor clicked in your campaign.
UTM Mediumutm_mediumIndicate the channel utilised by the visitor for enquiring.
UTM Sourceutm_sourceShow the source of the visitor.
UTM Termutm_termIdentify the targeted paid keywords within your campaign.
UTM {parameter}utm_{parameter}This custom UTM allows the agent to define the specific UTM parameter within the weblink. For example, if adding a member ID is necessary, the agent can define "utm_memberid" as a UTM parameter.

By using UTM parameters, you can track the performance of your campaigns and content and optimise them for better results.


Please note that UTM Information supports enquiries from Weblinks of Direct Chat and Call Enquiry provided by staff agents. However, it does not support Weblinks from Social channels.


  • You can manually add the UTM parameters to the weblink to collect the UTM information. Or, alternatively, you can use a builder, like Campaign URL Builder, to facilitate the addition of the UTM parameters.
  • You can access the UTM Information for more details about your campaign, such as the source, medium, and specific content that drives the enquiry, aiding you in fine-tuning your campaign strategy for better results.

In the room, the CINNOXbot system message will provide information also such as:

  • The visitor enquiry channel - via Tag, Weblink, Virtual Number, Social or Third Party Channel.

And the following information when the Visitor Form is enabled.

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Phone Number
  • Email Address

Also, for the UTM Information (when available in the Tag or Direct Weblink)

Visitor Enquiry Room

Visitor Enquiry Room


Direct Room

The direct room provides details to help you know more about the staff member or external contacts (e.g., leads or prospects) you engage with.

Contact Information

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Phone Number
  • Email
  • Timezone
Direct Room Details

Direct Room Details


Space (Internal Group Chat) Room

The space room provides details, including what the group is about and its members' list.

Space Details

  • Space Name
  • Space Description
  • Space Members
Space Room Details

Space Room Details

For more information, please refer to this Guide's Space for Internal Group Chat section.


Conference Room

The conference meeting room provides call log details such as:

  • Caller Information (Host)
  • Participants
  • Chat History

For more information, please refer to this Guide's Conference Call section.


Muting and Unmuting Room Message Notifications

To mute/unmute message notifications in an enquiry or 1-to-1 room:

  • On the Room Information panel, click the Settings icon.
  • In Mute Chat Room, toggle the button On (green) or Off (grey) to mute or unmute notifications, depending on the setting you want to apply.
Mute and Unmute Enquiry and Space room

Mute and Unmute Enquiry and Space room


To mute/unmute message notifications in a Space room:

  • On the Room Information panel, click the Settings icon.
  • In Mute Chat Room, toggle the button On (blue).
  • In Notifications, click on the Mute text, then choose any of the following options in the pop-up window that will appear:
    • Receive notifications for new messages
    • Receive @mention notification only
    • Mute
Mute/Unmute and @mentions only in Space Room

Mute/Unmute and @mentions only in Space Room


To mute/unmute notifications directly from Recent Connections:

  • Point your cursor on the right side of the room and click on the dropdown arrow that will appear.
  • Click on the Mute or Unmute icon.
Mute/Unmute Room in the Recent

Mute/Unmute Room in the Recent


Unread Rooms Badge

If you have unread chats in your Workspace, it will display a red dot badge at the upper right corner of the Workspace icon. The number count on the badge refers to the number of unread rooms in the Recent Connections area.

When you go to a room and read the unread messages, the badge will deduct the room from the unread room count. The red badge will disappear after all rooms have been visited and their messages read.

Unread Rooms Badge

Unread Rooms Badge


Unread Messages Badge

Chat rooms with unread messages will display a red dot badge at the lower right corner of the room in the Recent Connections area. The red badge will disappear after all messages have been read.

Unread Messages Badge

Unread Messages Badge