Staff Availability Status
CINNOX lets you set your availability status on your Dashboard or mobile app to indicate your readiness to accept incoming enquiries.
When you sign in for the first time, CINNOX automatically sets your availability status to Active. The next time you log in, CINNOX will base your availability status on the status before your last logout.
CINNOX also syncs your availability status with your Dashboard, mobile app, and all devices and browsers you are logged on.
You may change your availability status when needed, such as when you need time for post-enquiry processing.
To change the “Active” status in the Dashboard:
- Click on your staff name in the upper right corner of the Dashboard.
- Toggle Availability: Active to Busy.
Staff Status Availability:
ACTIVE: The staff is logged into the CINNOX Web Dashboard, Mobile App, or both and is ready to receive new enquiries.
BUSY: The staff is currently logged into the CINNOX Web Dashboard, Mobile App, or both, but they have manually changed their status to "BUSY" and will not receive new enquiries.
IDLE: The staff is logged into the CINNOX Web Dashboard but has not used it actively for more than 10 minutes. Or, the staff is logged into the CINNOX Mobile App but has not used it actively for more than a minute.
OFFLINE: The staff is not logged into any CINNOX platform or device. Or, the staff is logged into CINNOX Web Dashboard, but the connection to the server was lost. For the Mobile App: Even if the staff is logged into the CINNOX Mobile App - when they kill the app, force close it, push it to the background or leave it in the foreground while not using it, their availability status will be offline.
Note: If a staff member is logged in on multiple devices, their most recent status update will override any earlier updates across all devices they are logged into.
Updated 11 months ago