Sending Feedback
Your opinion matters to us. Sharing your CINNOX experience and sending your feedback helps us improve our service and roll out new features and functionalities in the future.
To send feedback from the CINNOX App:
- Go to My Account on the menu tab, then tap Help & Support > Send Form.
- On the Feedback Form window that will pop up, tap Feedback Form.
- On the Feedback Form screen that will appear, type your comments, issues, or suggestions in the Message box. Your message should be no longer than 300 characters. You may also upload up to five attachment photos by tapping Upload Photo(s).
When you submit feedback, some of the account and system information you provide may be sent to CINNOX to help us address some technical issues and improve our services.
- Tap Send. A pop-up message will appear, thanking you for sending in your feedback.
Alternatively, you may send feedback by shaking your phone. This launches the Feedback Form pop-up window with the attached screenshot of your current screen.
You can turn off this feature by toggling the button Off.
Updated 11 months ago