Managing Devices
CINNOX lets you view and manage all the devices and browsers you are currently logged on by providing details like these devices' locations and their last active times. It also lets you remotely log out of any or all of these devices when you have forgotten to log out of a device you no longer have access to or when you need to secure your account.

Manage Devices View
How to remotely log out of a specific device?
You can log out of a specific device by clicking the logout icon on the device you want to log out. A pop-up confirmation will show to confirm the logging out of the particular device.

Logout a Specific Device
How to remotely log out of all other devices?
You can log out of all other devices except the currently used device by clicking Log out all other devices. A pop-up confirmation will show to confirm the logging out of all other devices.

Logout All Other Devices
A staff member can log on to three devices for the CINNOX App and two web browsers for the CINNOX Dashboard.
Updated about 1 year ago