Get your Azure OpenAI Account

Sign up and Create your Azure OpenAI Account


Step-by-step Guide from Microsoft Learn

  • Please follow the detailed guide from the Microsoft Learn to:

    Then click the link below to follow the steps to:

  • + Create a resource



    As of this writing:

    • Access to the Azure OpenAI Service may require completing a request form. The link to the request form will pop up when you attempt to create a resource, should the process remain unchanged at that time.
    • Azure OpenAI services might be unavailable to the mainland China.

You will need to deploy 2 models in your Azure OpenAI Studio.

Supported Models:

  • From gpt-3.5 up to gpt-4o
  • text-embedding-ada-002 for the text embedding

  • First Model - GPT-x model (choose the model according to your use case):
    • The first deployment would be for the GPT, e.g., GPT-4 model
    • Model Version: any
    • Deployment type: Provisioned-Managed
    • Deployment name: Give your deployment a memorable name (2-64 characters) to make it easier to find later
    • Token per Limit: please refer to the MS User Guide

  • Second Model - text-embedding-ada-002 :
    • The second deployment would be for the text-embedding-ada-002 model
    • Model Version: 2 (default)
    • Deployment type: Standard
    • Deployment name: Give your deployment a memorable name (2-64 characters) to make it easier to find later
    • Token per Limit: please refer to the MS User Guide


Next Step

Once all steps are done, allow 5 minutes of time for the models to be ready to integrate and use them in CINNOX.


Azure OpenAI Service Pricing

Manage Models

  • Please refer to Working with Azure OpenAI models for the model updates, viewing retirement dates
    model deployment upgrade configuration, and update & deploy models via the API.

Integrate your Azure OpenAI Account with CINNOX