Public Cloud-Based Communication
Are you using a cloud-based solution?
Yes. We use different Tier-1 cloud platforms and are closely following the best practices to make sure all security configurations are fully implemented. We use public cloud worldwide and aim to expand to 20 more locations in the next few years.
Our cloud service providers are fully compliant with GDPR.
How do you manage the performance of your public cloud?
For public cloud in different locations, our vendor will take care of the hardware maintenance according to the Service Level Agreement (SLA) we have in place with them to ensure high performance.
What is an IM Server?
This is an Instant Messaging Server. Besides instant messages, CINNOX can support SMS for IM or vice versa.
Why does CINNOX use Public Cloud to deliver services?
Voice and Video are a real-time communication service. To provide a better performance and user experience, we put our edge components on the cloud to reduce latency between customers.
How does CINNOX deliver content quickly to end users?
To let our customers retrieve communication resources more efficiently, we use a Content Delivery Network (CDN) to speed up the resource retrieval.
Updated 10 months ago