Enhanced Navigation Bar and Roles and Permissions


Part of CINNOX v3.10 releases covers enhancing and simplifying the Navigation Bar and Roles and Permission to provide ease of use and effectiveness.

Here is the summary:

Navigation Bar

  • We grouped similar Features and Functions in the Web Dashboard for easy accessibility and availability on the same menu.
  • We have hidden the menus and pages unavailable to your roles and permissions to have clean and smooth navigation to your menus and pages.

Roles & Permissions

  • We streamlined the Staff Default Roles and Data Access Levels to manage the default roles in your organisation efficiently.
  • We enriched the Staff roles' details and permission with categories and sub-categories for the features according to their functions for better custom role management.


Let's dive into the updates with the below details.

Navigation Bar

Web Dashboard

The CINNOX Web Navigation has the following changes when logging into your service.

  • The Staff moved to the Administration > Organisation menu.
  • The Destinations and Channels moved to Administration > Channels menu.
  • The Prompts, Recording & Transcript and Auto Close Enquiry moved to Administration > Tools & Settings menu.
  • The Tools menu is renamed to Tools & Settings.
  • The Manage Source page can be found on the Social and Third Party Channel pages. We removed it from the Administration menu.


Roles and Permissions

CINNOX lets Staff administrators assign different roles to Staff members. Depending on the roles or teams, the Staff members will have different data scopes, e.g., levels of access to data within your CINNOX service and different permissions when using the CINNOX features.

The Staff administrator can use the Staff Default Roles and Data Access Levels to assign to the Staff members or create Custom Roles.


Data Access Level

CINNOX allocated the data access level for the Staff default roles accordingly.
It would be best if you assigned the Data Access Level when creating a Custom Role.

Data Access LevelDescription
FullA Staff can access FULL and ALL account data of your service.
DepartmentA Staff can access ALL data in the DEPARTMENT to which they belong.
RestrictedA Staff can only access their OWN data.


The Staff with Team data access level, has been changed to Department.


Default Role

The below table shows the Staff default roles and their corresponding data access level in the service.

RoleData Access Level


The Staff with the Leader and Manager roles have been changed to Supervisor.


Feature Permissions

The below table shows the permission and its description of what action it will grant to the feature.

EnabledA Staff can use the feature. It applies mainly to Calling & Messaging features.
ViewA Staff can see or read contents displayed on their Dashboard or App. It applies mainly to Contacts, Campaigns, Reports and Storage.
EditStaff can modify or overwrite the contents displayed on their Dashboard or App. It applies mainly to Contacts, Campaigns, Channels and Service settings.
DownloadA Staff can save an offline copy of the contents displayed on their Dashboard or App. It applies mainly to Campaigns and Reports.
DeleteA Staff can remove the contents displayed on their Dashboard or App. It applies mainly to Contacts, Campaigns, Channels, Storage and Service settings.
ApproveA Staff can approve or reject the submitted task or an item another staff member made. It applies to sending Campaigns.


Features and Permissions to the Staff Default Roles

The table below shows the CINNOX Features available to the Staff - Default Roles and the corresponding Permissions.

Feature NameAdministratorSupervisorAgentRemarks

Calling & Messaging

Make and transfer On-net CallsEnabledEnabledEnabledOn-net calls within the CINNOX web or mobile app
Make and transfer Off-net CallsEnabledEnabledEnabledOff-net calls to a landline or mobile phone using CINNOX.
Make Conference CallEnabledEnabledEnabled
Make Video Calls & Screen SharingEnabledEnabledEnabledIt will also allow staff to make and transfer On-net calls.
Send SMSEnabledEnabledEnabled
Create Space (Group Chat)EnabledEnabledEnabled
Forward CallEnabledEnabledEnabled
User Personal Number as Caller and Sender IDEnabledEnabledEnabled


Record CallEnabledEnabledEnabledWhen the call recording preference is "Manual", staff can press "Record" to record their call.
Access Recording File & Transcript FileView, DownloadView, DownloadView, Download
Manage Recording & TranscriptView, Edit


Manage LabelView, Edit, DeleteView, Edit, Delete
Manage Auto Close EnquiryView, EditView
Manage Public Canned ResponseView, Edit, Delete, Download
Access Enquiry OverviewViewViewView
Join & Take Over EnquiryEnabledIt will also allow staff to access Enquiry Overview.


Manage Directory ChannelView, Edit, Delete
Manage Widget InstallationView, Edit
Manage Widget AppearanceView, Edit
Manage Visitor FormView, Edit
Manage NumberView, Edit, DeleteManage Numbers include Virtual Numbers, Service Numbers and Alphanumeric Sender ID management.
Manage PromptView, Edit, Delete, Download
Manage Social ChannelView, Edit, Delete
Manage Email ChannelView, Edit, Delete
Third Party Channel
Manage Third Party ChannelView, Edit, Delete
Manage DestinationView, Edit, DeleteIt will allow staff to view the Destination page when any of the Channel's permission access is enabled.


Manage External ContactView, Edit, Delete, DownloadView, Edit, Delete, DownloadView, Edit, Delete
Manage External Contact Custom FieldView, Edit, Delete


Manage Smart Messaging (SMS Campaign)View, Edit, Delete, Download, ApproveView, Edit, Delete, Download, ApproveView, Edit, Delete, Download
Create Smart Calling (Call Campaign)EnabledEnabledEnabled


Access DashboardViewViewView
Access Enquiry ReportView, DownloadView, DownloadView
Access Call ReportView, DownloadView, DownloadView
Access Conference ReportView, DownloadView, DownloadView
Access Chat ReportView, DownloadView, DownloadView
Access SMS ReportView, DownloadView, DownloadView
Access Visitor ReportView, DownloadView, DownloadView
Access Staff ReportView, DownloadView, DownloadView


Manage StorageView, Delete


Manage Staff (Internal Contacts)View, Edit, DeleteView
Manage TeamView, Edit, Delete


Manage Login AuthenticationView, Edit, Delete
Access Audit LogView, Download


Access Plan Monitoring, Company Profile, Marketplace, Invoice / Receipt and Rate TableEnabledEnabled


Custom Roles


When creating a new Custom Role, you can manage what features and permissions you should assign to the new role accordingly. No rules and functionality changes were made to the custom role; instead, we enhanced the interface for a better experience.