Get SMS Details

Response Format

idStringThe unique ID generated by CX.
fromEIDStringThe staff ID of the SMS message sender.
toEIDStringThe Staff ID of the SMS message recipient.
dateStringThe date on which the SMS was sent. The format is YYYY/MM/DD
cidString(Internal use)
segmentCountNumberThe number of segments the SMS message splits into. In CINNOX, a single SMS message is limited to 160 chars for English text while 70 chars for non-English text (universal code), e.g., Chinese and Japanese scripts. If the SMS texts exceed the limit, it splits into smaller messages for transmission. If it splits into 2 smaller messages, the value = 2.

Refer to the SMS Chat Limit for details.
senderNumberThe SMS sender ID. The format is "Country code + phone number", e.g. +85298765432.
recipientNumberThe recipient's number used to receive the SMS message. The recipient's SMS number. The format is "Country code + phone number", e.g. +85298765432.
recipientCountryCodeStringThe country where the recipient received the SMS message. The country code is based on the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 codes.
E.g. country code, "HK" means Hong Kong.
statusStringThe status of the SMS message. It must be one of the following values:
- Submitted (The SMS message has been submitted to the carrier);
- Rejected (The SMS message has been rejected by the carrier)
carrierStatusStringThe delivery status of the submitted SMS message in the carrier network. It must be one of the following values:
- Queued (The carrier network accepted the SMS message);
- Delivered (The carrier network delivered the SMS message);
- Undelivered (The carrier network did not deliver the SMS message).
usageStringThe SMS message source. It must be one of the following values:
- direct (The direct engagement to customers via SMS);
- verification (The SMS message for verification);
- openAPI-sms (The SMS message sent using OpenAPI);
- openAPI-otp (The one-time password sent via SMS using OpenAPI)
textStringThe SMS message content.
createdAtStringThe date and time this record is created. The value must be in RFC3339 format, e.g. 2022-11-07T00:00:00.000Z.
updatedAtStringThe date and time this record is updated. The value must be in RFC3339 format, e.g. 2022-11-07T00:00:00.000Z.
smsIDStringThe ID of the SMS message.
isSenderStaffBooleanThe value = true if the sender is a staff member, while the value = false if the send is not a staff member.
isRecipientStaffBooleanThe value = true if the recipient is a staff member, while the value = false if the recipient is not a staff member.