Get External Contact List

Response Format

idStringExternal contact id
firstNameStringExternal contact first name
lastNameStringExternal contact last name
mobilePhoneNumberMobile contact number
workPhoneNumberWork contact number
homePhoneNumberHome contact number
otherPhoneNumberOther contact number
emailStringWork Email address
personalEmailStringPersonal email address
otherEmailStringOther email address
facebookStringFacebook ID
whatsAppNumberWhatsApp number
weChatStringWechat ID
lineStringLINE ID
twitterStringTwitter ID
linkedinStringLinkedIn ID
woztellWhatsAppStringWoztell WhatsApp ID
woztellFacebookStringWoztell Facebook ID
woztellInstagramStringWoztell Instagram ID
twitterStringTwitter ID
linkedinStringLinkedin account
companyNameStringCompany name
departmentStringDepartment name
jobTitleStringJob Title
birthdayStringBirth date
languageStringPreferred language
address.streetStringMailing address
address.cityStringMailing city
address.stateStringMailing state
address.zipcodeStringMailing zipcode
address.countryStringMailing country
customerTypeStringContact type
groupStringContact group
levelStringContact level
ownerIdStringContact owner ID
ownerNameStringContact owner name
ownerDepartmentStringContact owner department
sharedWithStringStaff member (staff ID) shared with the contact
slaveContactsStringMerged contacts (contact id)
{cf_text}TextA custom field that holds text value for the external contact.

{cf_text} is not a static parameter or key. Please get the exact Custom "Field ID" value in your Contact Field Management page for the "Text" Field Type.
{cf_drop_down_single}Dropdown List (Single Selection)A custom field that holds a single selection from a predefined list of options for the external contact.

{cf_drop_down_single} is not a static parameter or key. Please get the exact Custom "Field ID" value in your Contact Field Management page for the "Dropdown List (Single Selection)" Field Type.
{cf_drop_down_multi}Dropdown List (Multiple Selection)A custom field that holds multiple selections from a predefined list of options for the external contact.

{cf_drop_down_multi} is not a static parameter or key. Please get the exact Custom "Field ID" value in your Contact Field Management page for the "Dropdown List (Multiple Selection)" Field Type.
{cf_url}URLA custom field that holds a URL value for the external contact.

{cf_url} is not a static parameter or key. Please get the exact Custom "Field ID" value in your Contact Field Management page for the "URL" Field Type.
{cf_date}DateA custom field that holds a date value for the external contact.

{cf_date} is not a static parameter or key. Please get the exact Custom "Field ID" value in your Contact Field Management page for the "Date" Field Type.
{cf_time}TimeA custom field that holds a time value for the external contact.

{cf_time} is not a static parameter or key. Please get the exact Custom "Field ID" value in your Contact Field Management page for the "Time" Field Type.
{cf_checkbox}CheckboxA custom field that holds a boolean value (true/false) for the external contact.

{cf_checkbox} is not a static parameter or key. Please get the exact Custom "Field ID" value in your Contact Field Management page for the "Checkbox" Field Type.