Get Sent Campaign Details

Response Format

idStringThe unique ID of the created campaign.In the WhatsApp and SMS Campaigns
dateStringThe date and time the campaign was sent. The value must be in RFC3339 format, e.g. 2022-11-07T00:00:00.000Z.In the WhatsApp and SMS Campaigns
sender.phoneString- The phone number used to send the campaign.

- For the SMS campaign, this phone number can be the virtual number, service number or alphanumeric Sender ID.
- For the WhatsApp campaign, this phone number is bound to the WhatsApp Channel.
In the WhatsApp and SMS Campaigns
sender.channelNameStringThe channel name used to send the campaign.In the WhatsApp Campaign
sender.sourceNameStringThe source of the template used in the sent campaign.In the WhatsApp Campaign
sender.senderEIDStringThe staff unique ID who sent the campaign.In the SMS Campaign
recipientStringThe phone numbers of campaign recipients of the WhatsApp or SMS Campaign.In the WhatsApp and SMS Campaigns
recipientCountryStringThe country where the recipient received the campaign message. The country code is based on the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 codes.
E.g. country code, "HK" means Hong Kong.
In the SMS Campaign
subjectStringThe name of the template used for the campaign.In the WhatsApp Campaign
contentStringThe content of the campaign message.In the SMS Campaign
numSMSNumberThe number of the SMS message submitted to the carrier network. - In the SMS Campaign
- If the SMS text exceeds the single SMS limit, it splits into smaller messages for transmission. Refer to SMS Char limit for more details.
statusStringHere are the different statuses of the sent campaign by the campaign type.

SMS campaign:
- Submitted: The campaign message that was sent to the carrier network.
- Delivered: The campaign message that was successfully sent to the recipients.
- Undelivered: The carrier network still needs to deliver the campaign message to the recipient.
- Pending: The campaign message is ready, and that will be sent to the carrier network later.
- Failed: The campaign message failed to submit to the carrier network.

WhatsApp Campaign:
- Delivered: The campaign message that was delivered to the recipients.
- Read: The campaign message that the recipients read.
- Pending: The campaign message was successfully sent from CINNOX and was waiting to be sent to the recipients.
- Failed: The campaign message that failed to send to the recipients.
In the WhatsApp and SMS Campaigns
carrierNetworkStatusStringThe status of the campaign message in the carrier network, such as:
- Queued: The carrier network received the campaign message from CINNOX, but it has not been sent yet.
- Delivered: The carrier network has already sent the campaign message to the recipients.
- Undelivered: The carrier network did not send the campaign message to the recipients.
- The value is present only for the SMS Campaign.
- An empty value implies the carrier network did not receive any campaign messages.
failedReasonStringThe reason for the campaign message that failed to be sent.
- Error Code: 7061120 - 360Dialog bad request
- Error Code: 7061123 360dialog unauthorized
- Error Code: 7061124 - 360dialog forbidden
- Error Code: 7061125 - 360dialog not found
- Error Code: 3120410 - 360dialog whatsapp 24hr window error
- Error Code: 7061121 - 360dialog internal server error
Error Code: 7061122 - 360dialog server timeout
Error Code: 7061126 - 360dialog unknown error
In the WhatsApp Campaign
LastUpdatedDateTimeStringThe date and time the campaign message was updated. The value must be in RFC3339 format, e.g. 2022-11-09T00:00:00.000Z.In the WhatsApp and SMS Campaigns.


The historyID is given as an "id" in the response when you retrieve the Sent Campaigns Summary using the open API. For details, please refer to the Get Sent Campaigns Summary section.
