Get Call Details

Response Format

idStringThe unique ID of the call record.
hidStringThe history ID of the call record.
svcIDStringThe service account ID was used for the call.
dateStringThe date of the call in YYMMDD format, e.g. "20230704"
roomIDStringThe ID of the room for the call.
seqNumberThe sequence number of this call.
typeStringThe type of the call. It must be a "call".
fromEIDStringThe call ID is represented as the staff ID.
toEIDStringThe callee (aka called party/receiver) ID of the staff ID.
fromSvcIDStringThe service account ID of the caller.
toSvcIDStringThe service account ID of the callee (aka called party/receiver).
fromRegionStringThe region of the caller.
callSeqNumberThe sequence number of the call record in the call history.
callIDStringThe ID of each call record.
callDirectionStringThe call direction. It can be "Inbound" (Inbound Call) or
"Outbound" (Outbound Call).
callTypeStringThe type of the call. It can be "onnet" (On-net), "offnet"(Off-net) or "smartcall"(Smart Calling).
fromIPStringThe IP address of the caller.
callPrepareFromNumStringThe number of SIP Truck or PSTN for the call.
callerNumberThe caller's phone number.
calleeNumberThe callee's (aka called party/receiver) phone number.
callDateStringThe start date and time of the call. The value must be in RFC3339 format, e.g. 2022-11-07T00:00:00.000Z.
callEndTimeStringThe end date and time of the call. The value must be in RFC3339 format, e.g. 2022-11-07T00:00:00.000Z.
statusStringCall status. Please refer to the Call status table.
lastResponseCodeStringPlease refer to the Bye Reason and Last Response Code page for details.
byeReasonStringThe reason for how the call ended.
Please refer to the Bye Reason and Last Response Code page for details.
releasePartyStringThe staff who hung up (ended) the call.
mediaTypeStringThe media type of the record. It can be "audio" (Audio) or "video" (Video).
isRecordingBooleanTrue = The call is recorded;
False = The call is not recorded.
hasAudioFileBooleanTrue = The audio file of the call is saved;
False = The audio file of the call is not saved.
recordingEventList.recorderEIDStringThe staff EID who recorded the call
recording the call represented as a staff ID.
recordingEventList.startAtStringThe start date and time of recording the call. The value must be in RFC3339 format, e.g. 2022-11-07T00:00:00.000Z.
recordingEventList.endAtStringThe end date and time of recording the call. The value must be in RFC3339 format, e.g. 2022-11-07T00:00:00.000Z.
recordingEventList.files.idstringThe file ID of the call record.
recordingEventList.files.nameStringThe file name of the call record.
recordingEventList.files.downloadUrlStringThe URL for downloading the call record.
recordingEventList.files.durationNumberThe duration of the recording is in milliseconds.
recordingEventList.files.mimeTypeStringThe file format of the record. It can be "video' or "mp4".
recordingEventList.files.sizeNumberThe file size of the record is bytes.
recordingEventList.files.typeIntegerThe type of the recording file. The value must be 2 or 3.
2 = Video and 3 = Audio.
recordingEventList.files.isPrivateBooleanThe value must be True, meaning the call record is privately accessible.
recordTypeStringThe type of the record. It can be "voicemail", "call", or "conference".
fromRoleStringThe role of the caller. It can be "ADMIN"(Administrator), "SUPERVISOR"(Supervisor) or "AGENT"(Agent).
toRoleStringThe role of the caller. It can be "ADMIN"(Administrator), "SUPERVISOR"(Supervisor) or "AGENT"(Agent).
fromRoleNameStringThe role name of the caller.
toRoleNameStringThe role name of the callee (aka called party/receiver).
fromDepartmentStringThe caller's department.
toDepartmentStringThe callee's (aka called party/receiver) department.
fromDisplayNameStringThe display name of the caller.
toDisplayNameStringThe display name of the callee (aka called party/receiver).
lastHandledPartyStringThe staff handled the call until it ended. The staff represents with the Staff ID.
fromDepartmentIDStringThe ID of the caller's department.
toDepartmentIDStringThe ID of the callee's (aka called party/receiver) department.
callerFirstNameStringThe first name of the caller.
callerLastNameStringThe last name of the caller.
calleeFirstNameStringThe first name of the callee (aka called party/receiver).
calleeLastNameStringThe last name of the callee (aka called party/receiver).