Get Staff Contact List

Response Format

idStringStaff unique id
statusStringThe status of the staff account in CINNOX:
- Activated - account created and actively in use
- Not activated - account created, but the email address is not validated, and no password has been set yet
- Suspended - account created, activated but disabled
firstNameStringStaff first name
lastNameStringStaff last name
emailStringStaff email address
phoneNumberStaff contact number
roleStringThe assigned role to the staff
dataScopeStringData Access Level assigned to the staff
jobTitleStringStaff job title
timezoneStringStaff time zone
extensionNumberNumberStaff extension number
avatarUrlStringThe URL of the staff profile image / avatar
displayNameStringThe staff displayed name to the visitors
twoFactorAuthenticationBooleanTrue: required to use two-factor authentication to sign in to CINNOX.

False: no two-factor authentication is required to sign in to CINNOX.
microsoftActiveDirectoryBooleanTrue: allowed to sign in to the CINNOX service using the Microsoft Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) as the Third-Party Authentication

False: not allowed to sign in to the CINNOX service using the Microsoft Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) as the Third-Party Authentication.
directStaffEnquiryBooleanTrue: can be directly contacted by the website visitor

False: cannot be directly contacted by the website visitor
directchatEnquiryStringThe URL for visitors to make a direct chat enquiry to the staff
directCallEnquiryStringThe URL for visitors to make a direct call enquiry to the staff