Get Call Log Details


Response Format

hidStringThe record ID.
roomIDStringThe room ID of the call.
typeStringThe type of the call. It can be "call", or "conference".
statusStringThe value can be
- Call Ended,
- Declined,
- Busy,
- Not Answered,
- Cancelled,
- Abandoned,
- Unreachable,
- Call Failed
Please refer to the Call Status Metrics section for details.
inquiryIDStringThe ID of the call enquiry.
displayCaseNumberStringThe display enquiry ID of the call.
callIDStringThe ID of the Call.
callDurationNumberThe time the call spent in seconds.
callDateStringThe start date and time of the call. The value must be in RFC3339 format, e.g. 2022-11-07T00:00:00.000Z.
callEndTimeStringThe end date and time of the call. The value must be in RFC3339 format, e.g. 2022-11-07T00:00:00.000Z.
byeReasonStringThe value shows the reason behind the call disconnection. Please refer to the Last Response Code & Bye Reason section for details.
releasePartyStringThe party who ended the call. The value must be "Caller" or "Callee" (Call receiver).
virtualNumberNumberThe virtual number used for the call.
mediaTypeStringThe value must be "audio" when it is an audio call or, "video" when it is a video call.
callerInfo.countryCodeStringThe caller's country. The result is shown in the following format:
(Country represented by Two-letter country code based on ISO 3166-2) Example: VE =Venezuela.
callerInfo.displayNameStringThe display name of the caller.
callerInfo.eidStringThe staff ID of the callee (call receiver / called party).
callerInfo.isStaffBooleanThe value must be true or false. It is "true" when the caller is a staff member, while it is "false" when the caller is not.
callerInfo.phoneNumberNumberThe phone number of the caller. The format is "Country code + Phone number", e.g. +85298765432.
callerInfo.serviceIdStringThe service ID of the caller.
calleeInfo.displayNameStringThe display name of the call receiver.
calleeInfo.eidStringThe staff ID of the call receiver.
calleeInfo.ipLocDetail.cityStringThe callee's city. If there are no details on the city, an empty value is provided.
calleeInfo.ipLocDetail.provinceStringThe callee's province. If there are no details on the city, an empty value is provided.
calleeInfo.ipLocDetail.regionCodeStringThe code of the callee's region. The result is represented in the following format: (Country represented by Two-letter country code based on ISO 3166-2) Example: VE. Country=Venezuela.
If there are no details on the city, an empty value is provided.
calleeInfo.ipLocDetail.subdivisionStringThe subdivision of the callee's country. The result is represented in the following format: (Subdivision represented by the subdivision code of the country based on ISO 3166-2) Example: AU-NSW = New South Wales in Australia.
If there are no details on the city, an empty value is provided.
calleeInfo.isStaffBooleanThe value must be true or false. It is "true" when the call receiver is a staff member, while it is "false" when the call receiver is not.
calleeInfo.serviceIdStringThe service ID of the call receiver.