Response Format
Parameter | Type | Description |
_id | String | The unique ID of the enquiry. |
uniqueKey | String | You can skip this parameter (it is for internal use) |
createdAt | String | The date and time of the enquiry record creation. The value must be in RFC3339 format, e.g. 2022-11-07T00:00:00.000Z. |
svcID | String | The service account ID of the enquiry. |
inquiry | String | The enquiry ID. |
tag | String | The ID of the tag. |
visitor | String | The ID of the visitor. |
roomID | String | The room ID of the enquiry. |
initChannel | String | The channel type of the enquiry. It can be "IM" (Instant Message) or "CALL". |
omniType | String | The Omni-Channel Type of the enquiry. It must be "CINNOX". |
ip | String | The IP address of the visitor. |
language | String | The language of the enquiry. The result shown is the list in the following format: (ISO 639-1 Language Codes):(Language) Example: en (Language code of English in ISO 639-1): English (Language) |
location | String | The location of the visitor. The result shown is the list in the following format: (Country represented by Two-letter country code based on ISO 3166-2) Example: VE. Country=Venezuela. |
locationDetail.regionCode | String | The region code of the location of the visitor. |
locationDetail.subdivision | String | The subdivision of the country. | | String | The city where the enquiry comes from. |
locationDetailprovince | String | The province where the enquiry comes from. |
platform | String | The platform that visitors use for enquiry |
status | String | The status of the enquiry. It can be "ongoing", "followed-up", "missed", or "closed". |
displayCaseNumber | String | The display enquiry ID in the CINNOX Dashboard. |
channel | String | The type of channel of the enquiry. It can be "Weblink", "VirtualNumber", "Email", "ThirdParty", "FACEBOOK", "WHATSAPP", "WECHAT", "LINE" or "WOZTELL". |
destinationID | String | The IP of the destination. |
destinationName | String | The name of the destination (Service Group). |
destinationType | String | The type of the destinations. It can be "PHONE" (PSTN), "STAFF" (Staff Directory), "TRUNK" (SIP Truck) or "CHATBOT" (Chatbot). |
destinationEndPoint | String | The destination endpoint is assigned to handle the enquiry. It can be "STAFF"(Staff), "CHATBOT"(Chatbot) or "IVR" (IVR). |
handledType | String | It can be a Phone Number, SIP Trunk or Staff |
handledTarget | String | The enquiry owner is represented as a Staff's EID or the phone number. |
handledPartyName | String | Staff (agent) name |
huntedStaffTargetHistory | String | List of Staff who could pick up this enquiry |
type | String | Channel sub-type |
id | String | Channel ID |
maaiiDisplayName | String | Channel display name |
name | String | Third-party display name |
inquiryType | String | The enquiry type. It can be |
updatedAt | String | Enquiry updated time |
closedAt | String | Enquiry close time |
inquiryGroup | String | Collapsed enquiries |
transferredParty | Array(object) | Destination info that enquiry transferred to |
pickedUpAt | String | Enquiry picked-up time |
missedAt | String | Enquiry missed time |
reopenedAt | String | Enquiry reopened time |
handledPartyDepartmentID | String | Department id of the staff |
attachment | Boolean | True = There is an attachment in the enquiry chat room. False = There is no attachment in the enquiry chat room. The attachment refers to the Chat History for the conversation in the enquiry chat room. |
staffFirstName | String | The first name of the staff handling the enquiry. |
staffLastName | String | The last name of the staff handling the enquiry. |
visitorFirstName | String | The first name of the enquiry's visitor. |
visitorLastName | String | The last name of the enquiry's visitor. |
inquiryDeepLink | String | The link redirects the staff to the enquiry's chat room. |
duration | Number | The duration in milliseconds for an enquiry which is being handled. |
closeDuration | Number | The duration is in milliseconds for a closed enquiry. |
labelIDs | Array of strings | The ID of the label used for the enquiry. The value = null when no label was applied to the enquiry. The value = Label ID when a label is applied to the enquiry. |
- For the labelIds
- It is suggested to get the supported Label List before entering the value of the labelIds to ensure the value of the labelIds you enter is supported.
- Please refer to the Get Label List section in our user manual for details about using Open API to get the updated Label List.
- For the channel
- You are suggested to get the supported Channel Type List before entering the value of the channel to ensure the value of the channel you enter is supported.
- Please refer to the Get Channel Type List section in our user manual for the details about using Open API to get the updated Channel Type List.