Get Enquiry Details

Response Format

_idStringThe unique ID of the enquiry.
uniqueKeyStringYou can skip this parameter (it is for internal use)
createdAtStringThe date and time of the enquiry record creation. The value must be in RFC3339 format, e.g. 2022-11-07T00:00:00.000Z.
svcIDStringThe service account ID of the enquiry.
inquiryStringThe enquiry ID.
tagStringThe ID of the tag.
visitorStringThe ID of the visitor.
roomIDStringThe room ID of the enquiry.
initChannelStringThe channel type of the enquiry. It can be "IM" (Instant Message) or "CALL".
omniTypeStringThe Omni-Channel Type of the enquiry. It must be "CINNOX".
ipStringThe IP address of the visitor.
languageStringThe language of the enquiry. The result shown is the list in the following format:
(ISO 639-1 Language Codes):(Language)
Example: en (Language code of English in ISO 639-1): English (Language)
locationStringThe location of the visitor. The result shown is the list in the following format:
(Country represented by Two-letter country code based on ISO 3166-2)
Example: VE. Country=Venezuela.
locationDetail.regionCodeStringThe region code of the location of the visitor.
locationDetail.subdivisionStringThe subdivision of the country.
locationDetail.cityStringThe city where the enquiry comes from.
locationDetailprovinceStringThe province where the enquiry comes from.
platformStringThe platform that visitors use for enquiry
statusStringThe status of the enquiry. It can be "ongoing", "followed-up", "missed", or "closed".
displayCaseNumberStringThe display enquiry ID in the CINNOX Dashboard.
channelStringThe type of channel of the enquiry. It can be "Weblink", "VirtualNumber", "Email", "ThirdParty", "FACEBOOK", "WHATSAPP", "WECHAT", "LINE" or "WOZTELL".
destinationIDStringThe IP of the destination.
destinationNameStringThe name of the destination (Service Group).
destinationTypeStringThe type of the destinations. It can be
"PHONE" (PSTN), "STAFF" (Staff Directory), "TRUNK" (SIP Truck) or "CHATBOT" (Chatbot).
destinationEndPointStringThe destination endpoint is assigned to handle the enquiry. It can be "STAFF"(Staff), "CHATBOT"(Chatbot) or "IVR" (IVR).
handledTypeStringIt can be a Phone Number, SIP Trunk or Staff
handledTargetStringThe enquiry owner is represented as a Staff's EID or the phone number.
handledPartyNameStringStaff (agent) name
huntedStaffTargetHistoryStringList of Staff who could pick up this enquiry
typeStringChannel sub-type
idStringChannel ID
maaiiDisplayNameStringChannel display name
nameStringThird-party display name
inquiryTypeStringThe enquiry type. It can be
updatedAtStringEnquiry updated time
closedAtStringEnquiry close time
inquiryGroupStringCollapsed enquiries
transferredPartyArray(object)Destination info that enquiry transferred to
pickedUpAtStringEnquiry picked-up time
missedAtStringEnquiry missed time
reopenedAtStringEnquiry reopened time
handledPartyDepartmentIDStringDepartment id of the staff
attachmentBooleanTrue = There is an attachment in the enquiry chat room.
False = There is no attachment in the enquiry chat room.
The attachment refers to the Chat History for the conversation in the enquiry chat room.
staffFirstNameStringThe first name of the staff handling the enquiry.
staffLastNameStringThe last name of the staff handling the enquiry.
visitorFirstNameStringThe first name of the enquiry's visitor.
visitorLastNameStringThe last name of the enquiry's visitor.
inquiryDeepLinkStringThe link redirects the staff to the enquiry's chat room.
durationNumberThe duration in milliseconds for an enquiry which is being handled.
closeDurationNumberThe duration is in milliseconds for a closed enquiry.
labelIDsArray of stringsThe ID of the label used for the enquiry. The value = null when no label was applied to the enquiry. The value = Label ID when a label is applied to the enquiry.




  • For the labelIds
    • It is suggested to get the supported Label List before entering the value of the labelIds to ensure the value of the labelIds you enter is supported.
    • Please refer to the Get Label List section in our user manual for details about using Open API to get the updated Label List.
  • For the channel
    • You are suggested to get the supported Channel Type List before entering the value of the channel to ensure the value of the channel you enter is supported.
    • Please refer to the Get Channel Type List section in our user manual for the details about using Open API to get the updated Channel Type List.