Get Caller ID

Response Format

serviceIDStringThe Service ID of using this Sender ID.
numberStringThe virtual number used as this sender ID.
typeStringThe value = "DID" if the number type is DID, or "TF" if the number is a toll-free number.
countryArray of stringsIt indicates which country or region this number originates from. The result is the list in the following format:
(Country represented by Two-letter country code based on ISO 3166-2)
Example: VE. Country=Venezuela.
expireDateStringThe expiry date and time of this Sender ID. The value must be in RFC3339 format, e.g. 2022-11-07T00:00:00.000Z.
nameNumberThe name of the Sender ID.
supportSMSBooleanIf the value = true, this number is used to send SMS messages, while if the value = false, this number is not used to send SMS messages.
supportCallBooleanIf the value = true, this number is used as a Caller ID, while if the value = false, this number is not used as a Caller ID.